A letter to my sister...

 A letter to my sister... 

                                            which I have not sent to her.

My sister Chris sent me a link to a documentary series of a British journo travelling through Arabia.


I viewed the first 20 minutes of the first episode and I gave up in the ruins of Mosul.


Then I wrote this to my sister Chris Tammer:

I tried to view it Chris.
I started with Ep 1. I got as far as the ruined city of Mosul, but I have reached my limit with "people"???

I can't take any more people. I am very lucky, most fortunate, to be here so far away from so many people.

Yes, there are a few to be concerned about, but hopefully I can remain safe from these vermin who destroy everything they see. 

These imbeciles with fixed ideas of what they call "right" and "good" which means destruction to everything else, and everyone else. 

I'm scared for what remains of humanity.

I'm scared for the Afghani women and children.

I'm scared for normal everyday Aussies who have to put up with those lovers of freedom who want to be free from restrictions which may prevent the spread of a most dangerous virus, these people who so desperately want to be free!

Like the song says: "I want to be free" 

I want to be free to hate everyone.

I want to be free to disobey all orders placed upon me by the elected government even when these orders are intended to protect people.

I want to be free to spit in the face of authority.

I want to be free to infect my neighbours, my friends and even my family and I want to be free to be infected by them too, if I so choose.

I want to be free to drive my car through every red stop light on the road even if it means I may kill someone or even kill myself, as long as I'm free.

I want to be free to drive my car into other people if I like and if I hit someone crossing a road I want to be free to leave them writhing and dying on the road, just so long as I am free.

Nothing matters to me more than my personal freedom to do whatever I wish to do, no matter what the consequences.

I must have my personal freedom above all restrictions and orders which seek to curtail my freedom.

I want to be free to believe whatever bullshit I like no matter how crazy it is, no matter how unsupported by evidence it might be, and no matter how dangerous it might be to the health and welfare of others.

So the fruit of the  American Revolution and the French Revolution has come down to us: we can be free of all "tyranny"! And now all democratically elected are "tyrannic" because they represent a majority attempting to curtail the freedom of a minority.  

Chris, the world is breaking up and winding down. 

Fires are raging across huge tracts of the northern hemisphere:

Huge fires such as we also have experienced in Australia, but so many people feel free to "believe" there is no such thing as global warming and climate crisis, just as there is no such thing as Covid 19 or the Delta strain, that these are merely inventions by the authorities everywhere, in all countries, invented for no other reason than to control people.

What hope is there? 

How can we have any hope?

Fortunately, for me, I am free to hide away from the rest of the the world.

But because my sister is fighting cancer I did not have the heart to send this to her.

I hope that you, my friends, forgive me for sharing it with you. 

The only reason I can share it is because I feel I am not entirely alone in these deadly days.



  1. you are not alone. My dad (a teenager in Dachau) had a saying "Cheer up it could get worse...and it did." We will survive with renewed faith and love. Remember to allow the optimism of our youth back in.
    As Elvis Costello sang "What's so funny about peace love and understanding?"

  2. Your Dad was sure on the money Adrian, I'm convinced it certainly can get worse! And propbably will get worse.
    As for Elvis Costello, what can I say? From this point in time "Peace , Love and Understanding", those old hippy terms I lived through in the halcyon sixties seem very funny indeed!
    But I am incredibly pleased to know I'm not alone! Thank you for your optimistic comment Ade.

  3. Hi Peter - Your botanical gardens up the road and the coming of spring might help - Thank heavens for ABC radio and their podcasts - I really enjoyed Mike Ladd - who made 'Poetica' on the ABC radio for years - now making radio documentaries - his 'The Sands of Ooldea' - with its excellent use of silence offers some perspective on our various despondence. Such a rich history and an optimistic closing scene!

  4. Thank you "Unknown" for reminding me of the beauties of KY, and for the recommendation.

    Yes, we all want some optimism at this time. We all need hope. But it's not easy to find this hope.


  5. it does get you down if you let it, people be crazy and seem to be getting more and more so. Breathe and try to laugh, it helps

  6. Thanks Heather, I'll try to laugh and see if it helps! I'll keep you informed.

  7. Good one, Peter ! Yes, the right-wing idiots (I consider all idiots right-wing actually, or if not right-wing now, one day in the future) have now moved from their "freedom of speech" rhetoric to a "freedom of action" rhetoric. They are also now appealing to the let's call it noble version of "anti-authoritarianism", and, yes, the people should rise up against governments sometimes (if they can, depending on what country they are in!!), BUT - I didn't see all these goons at any protests for indigenous deaths in custody, or women's rights, etc. The logic !

  8. Well said Bill, I particularly like your final statement... they never protest for anything of a humanitarian nature. Basically they are just selfish, ignorant anti-humanists! And incredibly stupid to boot!


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