Some recent works sent by Kim Miles

Kim Miles is known to many of our friends as an independent filmmaker. 

She also works with still images.

When she sent me these images, Kim told me "I have come 360 degrees on my artistic journey and resumed my exploration of acting and performance.

I've included a Covid self portrait I love and am using as one of my acting Headshots."

For any of you who may not know Kim here's a link to her work at

and also her entry in Bill's MIF page:

Thanks for sending Kim, greatly appreciated,



  1. There is something vaguely (and I mean 'vaguely') Francis Baoon-ish about these 'damaged' portraits. I never quite saw the connection before. This is just an observation, not a criticism. I've always liked Kim's work both as a filmmaker and as a digital artist.

    1. Thanks DJK. Correct! An interest in Francis Bacon work and life. Truth through distortion he said. One of my goals. 🤪

  2. Kim is one of Melbourne's very best filmmakers, in my eyes, one of the "pantheon" of indie filmmakers from the last 20 years - just love her work ! Yes, she's gone away from filmmaking a bit now, but the films she made remain ! Here's one essay I wrote about her -


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