Progress report from Maggie Grout

Some months ago I posted some items about Maggie Grout and her visionary project “Thinking Huts”.

I first came across Maggie’s story via the Smithsonian Magazine. Since that time the enterprise to create a “printed” school in Madagascar has progressed to the actual building stage.

This morning I received the following pics and information from Maggie:

Hi Peter,

The good news is that we will be completing the school in the second half of February! The printer will be on the cargo ship next month to arrive on time.

So far we have raised about 200k and recently completed laying the foundation.

Now we are cargo shipping the printer to Madagascar with an expected arrival in February so that we can begin printing the school in the second half of the month.



We expect to have completed the school in March 2022.

Community volunteers will paint a mural that features gold elements and natural leaves. By then I hope we can travel and see the construction in person.

We are currently continuing fundraising efforts to extend our runway and try to scale up.


We are preparing for holiday fundraising at the moment and Giving Tuesday on November 30.


Thank you for your support and hope you are well,




So, if any of our friends would like to make a contribution to this project:



  1. Wonderful bloody stuff. People trying to help their community instead of people just getting richer while others get poorer like in Oztraya.

  2. I agree with your view David, but I should add, here in Aus. there are many likeminded projects which have been quietly achieving over the past few years, it's just that we don't hear much about them.

    Maggie's project is incredible because it envisions a new approach for schools to be created in regions of the world where conventional building and funding makes it virtually impossible.

    Here's a Victorian programme which has not had a lot of coverage:

    But I do agree with you that Maggie's initiative is visionary and exciting.

  3. If you would like to know about "Launch Housing's" recent projects check this out:

    I should have added in my previous comment that the current school project in Madagascar is only the first which "Thinking Huts" are building. It's a pilot programme. Many more school buildings are planned to follow in the future.

  4. Yes, Peter, I've been very aware of Launch Housing through their posts on Facebook. I also get updates from them by email. The trouble is, the project needs to be about 10 - 15 times larger to have any real effect on the number of homeless or nearly homeless in Australia. And what does our fine Government do? Sit on its hands, commission another bloody study as if that's what's needed. Of course, most of them are investors. They want sky high rents so they can shove more money into their own pockets.


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