This new piece just arrived from our friend Wheeler...

Mob Mentality from Wheeler Winston Dixon on Vimeo.

 I was so surprised to view this film which harks back to those noir films of the forties and fifties, but it is not taken from one of those... it's a new creation which Wheeler has made from found footage.

It seems so appropriate in these dark times of unruly and violent behaviour spreading wherever we look.

It could be from any country or from any time but it also echoes the darkness of past generations and mob rule in various situations from political panic, lynching of innocent people and to the tearing down of hated leaders.     

I don't know about all of our friends, I don't know how any of you are faring, but I'm struggling with my misanthropy. I recently wanted to go to Melbourne to take a few shots I had in mind, but I didn't go there. I was too afraid to go there in case I had to struggle against "crazies" of any persuasion. I felt too fearful to make the trip in case I might have run into trouble just from being there and taking a few simple shots with my new camera. 

I can assure you I have never felt that way before, it has only come upon me in the past two years. And I know I'm not alone in this fear.

So Wheeler's film explained to me why I'm fearful of going to dear old Melbourne to take a few harmless photographs. I simply can't bear to expose myself to the madness of others. I have more than enough of it in me without looking for more.



  1. Great artistic ff exploitation Wheeler... and I like your comment Peter...

  2. Wheeler, loved your film. Last night on TV I saw an explanation of US gun culture.
    After the War of Independence group mentality decided that men should bear arms. It's still with us!
    Nigel Buesst.


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