Wheeler sends us a new piece on OMICRON

It's the season to be jolly, isn't it?



Well let's all be bloody-well jolly then! 

Omicron from Wheeler Winston Dixon on Vimeo.

“While we are preoccupied and fascinated by Omicron, Delta, the old enemy, is still here causing damage, and we have all got to be vaccinated. Three shots, not two! All this enchantment with Omicron is not an excuse to not get vaccinated.” 

François Balloux, Director of the University College London Genetics Institute.

This video was created using footage and soundtracks in the Public Domain, or released as CC0 Public Domain materials, and is made entirely from recycled, repurposed and refashioned images and sounds.

Copyright © 2021 Wheeler Winston Dixon. All rights reserved.


  1. Strange and beautiful work that intentionally stands as your personal call for more responsibility during this hard rimes for all of us... Congrats Wheeler...

  2. Really enjoyed this Wheeler, in the same way that one enjoys the madness of the obsession to end all obsessions; the great social warp, the posturing to be the most scientific of the most scientific.
    A cathartic visual meditation.
    Thank you.


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