Something refreshing to get us off to a good start for 2022.
Once again, among all the gloom and doom in which we are immersed, AEON has sent us a refreshing story about Scott Jordan . Aeon staffers often select pieces about exemplary people who have lived their lives outside of the square, answering to some inner dynamic that most other people never seem to reach. Director Russ Kendall celebrates the life of Scott Jordan and his most unusual obsession: digging for historic artefacts in an urban environment full of waste. There are many reasons why this film impressed me so much. I don't need to list them because I'm sure you will all have similar responses. We need to be reminded that there are many people in every part of the world who follow their own light, against all the odds, who refuse to be ruled by common strictures and constraints. This beautiful man is just one of those many unsung heroes we so rarely hear about. Many thanks to Russ Kendall for making this portrait of a most inspirational person. pt